Monday, December 20, 2010

The years are going by fast.

When we were first entered into this world we were given endless possibilities to become who ever we wanted to be, the first day of kindergarten guaranteed the destiny of the life that we will live. Our teacher greeted us with a warm welcoming smile as we took our seat, scared of what would be going on for the next 2 hours or so of this new experience. We were taught the rules of life, no hitting, no stealing, be kind to others, and of course... if you didn't follow these rules you were faced with punishment. (However, once we got the routine down, we pushed our limits to see if anything would exactly happen.) Finally, the teacher would ask.. "Now students, What do you wanna be?" Our responses being.. A doctor! The president! Superman! Mine being,.... aaron carter's wife. Our answers changed daily on what we wanted to be, we wanted to be it all... in our eyes 26 year olds were.. OLD. The mountains that sat on the horizon were untouchable, and anything was possible.
On the first day of 5th grade we sat with our friends we grouped up with since kindergarten and jumped around in our seats (like we were addicted to crack). The teacher was new like all the other ones, and once again you followed the same routine, "Hello, my name is ________ My favorite color is__________ and I have ________ brothers and sisters... I want to be_________. Our answers were more 'real' but our feet were still floating from the ground. The doctor still popped up from time to time, instead of being the president you want to play basketball in the NBA, and superman morphed into an astronaut. Although I accepted I would never marry aaron, I dreamed of being a bride still, I wanted to be a 'superstar' and hoped to God, disney would seek me out and I would be as famous as hilary duff. 
Junior High School started and even though it was a new environment we were told the same rules, we stayed by our friends side from kindergarten and our feet finally hit the ground, everything became real to us, most of us faced our first heart break, we started to shut our parents off and worried more about the latest trends of society. Some got caught up in pleasing selfish bitches, and others picked up drugs, or their own addictions. Our dreams from kindergarten were shut down as we started compromising, we gave up on being the best doctor in the world, and our dreams of being president disappeared once people (even our own parents) told us we would NEVER be that. At what point did we start caring about the clothes on our backs?  if your parents drove a nice car or not?.... or that you weren't good enough to run this country? We let people tell us that we would never get somewhere and we crossed that off our list as we searched for something else for us to dream of. 
Now that we are in highschool life has become more real, most people drive their selfs to school when only a few years ago we were walking to the bus or being dropped off by the people who loved us the most. You became more concerned about who slept with who and if you were 'cool enough' to be invited to so and so's party. We either dedicate fully to school or we don't give a crap, we think we have so much time, when in reality these next couple of years will end before we know it. Our life's will begin. The dreams we dreamt of when we were only the age of six will either start coming into play or they will be just one fantasy we had long ago. The mountains that seemed unreal are now being touched by your two feet and the 26 year olds are the people you hope to be like in a couple years. We spent our young years dreaming, and even though the future is hard to grasp, we either gotta hold on tight or we will never accomplish anything in life. I watch people... and even myself give up daily, we hope that something will snap one day, but sadly, the light will turn on too late, we will have lived half of our lives and it would be to late to accomplish anything. 
I am still the dreamer I was long ago, I still want to be a wife, I want to act, I want to heal people, I want to sing and not care what others think about me, I want to travel the world, I want to cut hair, do actresses hair and makeup, I want to live this life of mine to the fullest, but if we live our life's according to what others want and compromise for people who probably won't even show up to your funeral is a life un-lived. 
I don't want to care, I don't want to be held back and told no... I just want to do it all.